Spring is the perfect time to detoxify your body. Why? Because we live in a toxic world and are exposed to so many chemicals via our food, water, medications, pesticides etc.
Who needs to detox? Pretty much everyone, because our world is so toxic. When you start feeling congested, stressed, fatigued and an overall feeling of toxicity, it's time for a detox. You can also do a detox to jump start weight loss after a plateau. What is detoxification? Detoxification is a key body function that is done automatically, it involves eliminating the waste products of cellular metabolism through our eliminatory organs which are the skin, kidney, liver, colon, lungs, lymph and blood. The object during a detox is to minimize toxins coming in and maximize your nutrients so your eliminatory organs can catch up. It is a process of cleaning, nourishing and resting your body. How do I detox? Before the detox, you need to plan. Schedule the detox into your life, pick a date and how long you want to detox and stick with it, don't postpone it. Then about a week before, you need to prepare yourself for the detox. You can start reducing your toxic intake. Some suggestions are to buy organic foods, decrease your intake of processed foods and sugar and start to increase your water intake. Make sure you plan for rest during this time as it is vital to healing. During the detox you will be eating simple meals that allow your digestive system to rest and take care of much needed housekeeping. You will want to do simple exercises like walking to stimulate your lymphatic system. After finishing your 7-10 day detox, you gradually start eating the foods eliminated to see if you have any reactions to the foods. This is an important step, so often missed when we try to detoxify our bodies ourselves. You need to transition back or you will shock your body. You may even decide to totally eliminate some foods that you were eating prior to your detox! By detoxifying with a professional, you get guided care and support to help you through the process. We go over everything you need to know before, during and after to have a successful detox. So, What are you waiting for? Call today to schedule an appointment.
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AuthorKerri Ferraioli Archives
March 2023
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